Starting Over With Your Finances After a Divorce

Divorce can be rough. In addition to the mental and emotional wringer it can put you through, divorce can also have a huge impact on your pocketbooks.  It’s not uncommon for a divorce to completely imbalance your financial equilibrium, say OK divorce attorneys Strange Law Firm. It can sometimes take years to recover, but the…

Signs Your Driveshaft Is Failing

No matter what type of vehicle you drive, it’s going to run into some issues down the road (no pun intended). When those issues affect the powertrain, you’ve run into the worst kinds of problems out there.  Your powertrain contains all of the parts that make your car move, including the all-important driveshaft. This part…

Ways To Ease The Stress And Burden Of Family Caregivers

Caregiving is difficult — whether you’re working at the Lakewood CO assisted living facility or providing support for your family directly in the home.  Over time, the stress of the role can lead to caregiver burnout — a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion that can have far-reaching consequences. Caregiver burnout can certainly destroy…

Ways To Avoid A DUI During The Holidays

The holidays are a happy time for most — spending time with family, catching up on old times, and filling up on delicious food and drinks. Unfortunately, that last bit can fuel some unintended consequences. Excessive drinking can be a recipe for serious accidents at home and on the road. Even in instances where no…

Steps Companies Must Take To Advance Racial Equity

It’s a topic that’s in the forefront of the collective American consciousness at the moment. Racial equity, the idea of creating fair inclusion within society regardless of ethnicity or culture, is something that not only diversity and inclusion activists are pushing for, but Americans at large as well. Companies are not exempt from dealing with…

What to Do in Case of a Car Accident

No one likes to think about gloomy subjects such as car accidents, but the reality is that it can happen. Many people aren’t sure what they should do if they’re involved in a fender bender, wether accidental or as a result of a USA crime.  Often they don’t get all the correct information or do…