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Blog | operation Infinite Justice - Part 27

How to Stop Overpaying for Health and Beauty Products

The health and beauty industry is huge. The numbers are mind blowing, and they just continue to increase each year. The growth curve is shooting straight up. New brands are popping up and using social media to grow almost overnight. So many premium brands are being established, but they are smoke and mirrors. Fancy packaging…

Why I Think Social Media is Dangerous and Unhealthy

Go out in public and look around at the people you see. How many of them have their head down buried in their phone? Nobody is without their phone in hand consumed by whatever it is that’s on the screen. There is a good chance they have a social media app open. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat,…

Where Companies Need to Look for Discounted Equipment

Companies that have a need to grow and expand are often faced with requiring new equipment for their expansion. Turning to the first source available can result in extra spending. A piece of equipment that costs $50,000 new might be able to be purchased for $12,000. While it has some use, it’s in perfect working…

How to Travel Overseas with the Least Amount of Stress

What is one of the most stressful things you can do voluntarily? Travel. The airports, the delays, the crowds, etc. It can all be very stressful, and then when you add in international travel the stress level can rise to an even higher level. If you have any international travel plans in the near future…

What to Look for Before Submitting Your Credit Card Online

There is a major security concern these days, with so many data breaches happening, which seems to be almost every week. Hackers are gaining access to personal information, including social security number, dates of birth, and credit card numbers. This is scary. Every time you shop online and provide your personal information you are putting…

Get Instant Justice with Free Legal Advice Online

There are so many different situations that call for the need of an attorney. You might be starting a new business and have some questions about liability and how to structure the new company to best protect yourself. Or, you might have been involved in a horrible car accident and you have to go after…

Justice for the Mentally Ill is a Beautiful Thing

There is a trend that I really like to see: more open talk about mental health awareness. Now, while this is great to see, just talking about it isn’t enough. We need more action. It’s great to see the positive changes and while a lot of people still say there is a long way to…